Monday, March 4, 2013

Ending to the story "The Lady, or the Tiger?"

He walks to the right door reluctantly, thinking of the Princess’s words. The man grabs onto the copper knob, its surface cold; full of hatred and curiosity. With fingers in a tight grip, he changes his perspective to the left door. The crowd with large gasps and pleading expects to only open one door. With a tight grip on the twined doors, squeak, both doors open. Eyes the size of saucers appears on the Greek faces. For, a tiger and a lady didn’t come out of the doors, but two women.

One his wife, the other the princess he was going to marry.

He looked at the princess, wanting the tiger to eat her instead. Then right before his eyes, the beautiful princess turned into a man-eating tiger. Teeth glistened in the sun, stained blood red. Both the wife and the princess knew what was to become of their lives. The princess, hopped off her royal throne and hurled herself into the tragedy-staked arena. The tiger, now full on not one but two people left the arena.

The man woke up screaming, not knowing what would become of him. Today, his fate would soon tell him. 

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