Friday, March 22, 2013

College Essay

“College is the life-changing experience you will never forget.” When I was younger, I used to think this meant college was a scary place. Through the years, I have gained the knowledge to know that college is actually a life changing experience. College, in general is the one place where you will learn the most to help you excel later in life. Also, there are many fun and unforgettable events in college.
            For me, the Science field is what I would like to pursue in my future and to fulfill my goals. Deeper in the science field, I would like to be a Marine Biologist. Marine biology is what I am most interested in because I feel that my best subject is science and math, and I love animals. Also in the science field, I would like to be a neurotic surgeon. I would like to be a surgeon of this sort because surgeries in general interest me and I feel I could excel greatly in this area.    
            Learning in a college education is also a very important aspect into excelling. Education is important from the very beginning. Kindergarten is where it begins because it is when everyone’s brain starts to develop. We all then move up to the high school levels and soon on to our college plans. After college comes the afterlife.
            Finally, how I will get there. I plan to do well in school and pay attention in class. I then plan to finish school with an A average. After high school, I will go to college and go to classes for 8 years. Finally, I plan to get my Masters for a Neurotic Surgeon.  After college, I will reach for the stars and excel in my plans in the future.
            College is a life-changing experience that I hope to go to one day. The future is planned for me and I don’t want to give up on my dreams. Education is an important aspect of my learning and experiencing my getting ready for my future. Also, so I excel later in life.  

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